Amy Miller

Profile picture of Amy Miller

Amy Miller, MA

Amy is a project manager who has worked in higher education for 8 years and within the sphere of health care since 1999.  Her experiences include direct patient coaching as a tobacco cessation counselor, to a regional state program director for tobacco control efforts, including legislative policy initiatives national, state and local.

Where are you from?
I have lived in Indiana for the majority of my adult life, but lived outside of Boston until grade school, junior high was in Augusta, Georgia and high school was in Charlotte, NC.

Why are you here?
I have enjoyed seeing the evolution of policies and technology that have dramatically improved access to care and to varying degrees, the quality of life for many people over the last decade. It is clear that the talent in the Health Innovation Lab will contribute to the rapid expansion in the Internet of Things arena that will in turn contribute toward patient centered design for health care technology and I am honored to be a part of it.

What do you do?
A project manager facilitates and stream lines institutional processes and breaks down barriers to get things done. Always find a 3rd, 4th or 5th way to move a process forward toward a team goal.

What are your skills?
I can find the 6th, 7th and 8th way to complete a task so that a team mate can create, work or implement critical project goals without impediments. A good project manager should be like good tires. The team should be able to drive along smoothly on a journey toward project completion with only the tires feeling the pain of the pot hole, not the car passengers.

What are your hobbies?
Cats, reading, politics and hot yoga. I am married with 2 spoiled cats.

Submitted by amym on Thu, 12/15/2016 - 15:50